
Thursday, May 22, 2014

sky maker...the door...

The line (door) between what the mind perceives to be the "real world", (the state in which we call ourselves "awake,") and the dream world, (sleep and "unconscious") is very thin.
The woman in the picture is in a night gown, mimicking the transition between the two, coming from the left side (day) into the right side of the image, (night). The smoke blowing out of her mouth is to symbolise the thin veil we enter when we actually loose ourselves into the "subconscious" (sleep).
I chose not to make the left side of the door much different from the right, as I'm not quite sure there is in fact much of a dissimilarity at side might be mirroring the other, or, the dream state might be the "conscious" one, after all...Who knows, we might all be dreamers having a human experience...going home every night...
Technically, we drove all the way to the top of the mountain with the (very heavy...puh...) door in the back of the car. We carried it until we found the perfect spot...
My intention is personal, and might be far from what you see yourselves, if there is much to be interpreted at all...
Peace <3


  1. beautiful work and beautiful inspiration ..!
    Perhaps his name is ... Aurora .. :-)

    Hugs / All the best

  2. du er en inspirasjon kilde Lis, kjempe bra utført arbeid !

  3. You keep on creating wonderful images, glad to enjoy them :)))

    Kisses, Lis.

  4. Da jeg først så på dette her om dagen, var det så varmt at jeg assosierte bildet med han som hadde 7 somre og 7 vintre i kroppen, og jeg tenkte her jeg svettet at jeg gjerne skulle hatt den "egenskapen".
    Men når jeg ser det igjen nå, så er det vel kanskje ikke det du ønsket å formidle... uansett,- et underfundig arbeid som alltid, Lis!
    Ha en flott ny uke etterhvert:)

  5. your world is a magic world Liz ! great inspiration and a wonderful work !
    I love what you imagine and the way you do it ! gorgeous

  6. Hmmm, här måste jag/vi få ur oss något, samtidigt som vi varken vet om vi vill gå in eller ut...här känner jag ett väldigt sökande...ett sökande efter vad?
    Jag ser, jag tar till jag hittar inte riktigt...led mig, visa mig vägen...?!

  7. Hmmm, er det sånn det foregår :)

    Døren forvirrer meg, men er et stilig element i bildet. Skulle gjerne sett sommeren på den andre siden av døra, hehe. Tenk å kunne spasere rett fra den kalde vinteren, inn i den varme og lyse sommeren! Det var en tanke som datt inn i mitt hode akkurat nå. Flott utført uansett hva som er tanken bak!


  8. hola lis,me encanta el contenido de tu blog y si no te importa me quedaré por aqui.
    Un abrazo desde Cataluña.


  9. You know what I think of your photos. They are always very creative, with a deluxe edition. They are ... always fantastic.

    · hugs

    · CR · & · LMA ·

  10. Magical photo! Well done Lis.

