This time around I'm trying to tell more of a story by posting a series. The first two images are taken in a small pond, not far away from where I was brought up. I used to play here, went swimming in the summer and ice skated through out the winter.
The third image is taken an hours drive outside of Oslo, where my brother lives. I had to use the clone stamp in photoshop quite heavily to get rid of the outboard motor as well as the dock. The swans were there though, swimming back and forth...over and over again, I could not have directed them any better...:-))
The story is about my own life, I see that now, more than often I'm just drawn to places, people and ideas than the actual story. In post I usually discover what the story is all about, as I did this time too...
Thank you so, so much for following my process and engaging in my imagery, I learn so much from the feedbacks you give, always. I see much clearer with you around and you cheer me up!! Much appreciated <3!!
My daughter and I are leaving a week for China tomorrow, I'm taking my camera, not my laptop.
Have a wonderful "Høstferie," (spring break, kind of, but it's not spring...so we call it "fall break").
Blessings and much love to all of you <3